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Wow. That's just about all I can say. Wow.
AR level: 4.3
Grade appropriate: 2nd and up
Overall: 5/5-- Phenomenal! I loved every page.
Creativity: 5/5-- Who would make the protagonist of their story a vacuumed up squirrel? Need I say more?
Characters: 5/5-- Loved Flora! Wanted her to move in with me! I'd take her and Ulysses in a heart beat.
Engrossing: 5/5-- I started it Monday when I heard the Newbery announcement and finished it before the week was up. I know that doesn't sound all that impressive, but hey, I have a 2 year old, a 10 year old and a full time job. My friend Ali finished it the day I gave it to her.
Writing: 5/5-- Lovely.
Appeal to kids: 5/5-- They will EAT IT UP!
Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5
Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: none
Drugs/Alcohol: none

This is a book that we received as a review copy. I'm reading it so I can review it and send the review to the editors.
I was so excited about this book when I picked it up. (I usually don't start anything I'm not excited about...) And the beginning was good. I liked Holly. She was relateable and realistic. I loved the little village that they move to in England. The setting was charming and I was dying to visit.
I was so excited about this book when I picked it up. (I usually don't start anything I'm not excited about...) And the beginning was good. I liked Holly. She was relateable and realistic. I loved the little village that they move to in England. The setting was charming and I was dying to visit.
But as soon as they step through the tree into the alternate world I was gone.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Fantasy fan. I love it! But this world... I didn't love it.
It had plenty of action so that seems good, but I think the biggest problem was that I had no desire to be in that world. As a result I had no desire to be in the book. I kept putting it down and reading other things (because I actually could escape the miserable world inside the tree even though it took the characters FOREVER to get out.)
AR level: 4.9
Grade appropriate: 4th and up
AR level: 4.9
Grade appropriate: 4th and up
Overall: 2/5
Creativity: 2/5-- It reminded me a lot of Narnia. Even down to Everett falling for the tricks of the Elemental (fairy).
Characters: 3/5-- I liked the characters ok, but had no real connection.
Engrossing: 1/5-- I kept putting it down to escape!
Writing: 3/5-- The writing actually was fine. The descriptions were detailed but not too much. The English countryside where the kids move was so charming. I was dying to pick up my family and move right away. The problem wasn't that I couldn't picture the fantasy world, but just that I didn't like it.
Appeal to kids: 1/5-- Not a single child has picked it up even though it's been sitting on my "new books" shelf for a week. I have a hard time selling it too, because I didn't like it.
Appropriate length to tell the story: 2/5-- LONG
Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: mild, fighting between good magical creatures and the king's army.
Drugs/Alcohol: none

Fun and cute! I read it to 2nd graders. They loved it! Made me think about my grandpa in a new light too.
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