Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We have been working feverishly in the Elementary Library to put all of the fiction books into genres. The purpose behind shelving by genre is to make it easier for students to find books that they are interested in.

It was a big undertaking but it is already paying off. The students are finding books that they are really in to and our re-check shelf overflows daily. I'm so glad to see kids keeping and finishing the books they check out instead of turning them in half finished just because it's library day.

Here's a glimpse into what our shelves look like now.

 Some of our genre signs:

 We have labeled each book with a spine label describing which genre it belongs in. This makes for easier shelving and for easy reference when a child reads a book they love. They know which genre it is in and where to find more like it.

Thank you to my many volunteers and the countless hours they dedicated to helping me reorganize our books to make the library more user friendly.