Monday, January 27, 2014

Newbery 2013

Well, it's official. The announcement has been made. None of the books on our list won the Newbery award.

As you probably already found out, if you care at all, Flora and Ulysses won the award.

I was disappointed, but I'm not devastated. This is why: I was worried that Counting by 7s or The Paperboy would win and, while I'm sure those are wonderful books, several teachers at our school have read them and they are going to be pretty rough for a majority of our elementary kids. 

Our kids are going to LOVE Flora and Ulysses. I know that's not the criteria for the Newbery, but it is always nice when the book chosen is not only "distinguished," but also enjoyable!

Side note: I had a copy on my "New Books" shelf and I snatched it up immediately. I hadn't made time to read it with all the books on our list and the Quest for the Crown coming up, but you can bet it's at the top of my "To-Read" list now! **Update: I've read Flora and Ulysses! Wow!**

I was also thrilled to see that they named FOUR Honor books this year, three of which were on our list; One Came Home, Doll Bones, and The Year of Billy Miller. So we didn't do too bad of a job predicting outstanding books. I am surprised that Navigating Early and The Water Castle didn't even get a nod. Ah well...

Congratulations to Kate DiCamillo and Flora and Ulysses!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

To learn more about It's Monday! What Are You Reading? visit Mentor Texts

Too Cute and fun! I find myself being Crankenstein way too often! Especially in the morning! I think all our kids can identify as well. 

Oh my, how do I start this review? This book left me aching. I loved the story, loved the characters, loved the setting. I want to move to Maine and live in this crazy, mysterious house. I loved the ending and it was so well written that the unanswered questions in the end just left you wondering and thinking and... humming? Not frustrated and angry.

LOVED THIS BOOK!!!! I hope it wins the Newbery today or at least gets an honor.

AR level: 4.
Grade appropriate:

Overall: 5/5-- See notes above. I could go on raving, but really who wants to read that?
Creativity: 5/5-- There are a few books based on the fountain of youth myth, but not many. This one is a stand out.
Characters: 5/5-- I loved all the characters! They were real and relate-able.
Engrossing: 5/5-- I couldn't put it down and I never wanted it to end, but I needed it to end so I could actually do something else!
Writing: 5/5-- Beautiful. Left us hanging in such a creative and well thought-out way.
Appeal to kids: 5/5-- I think most good readers will love this book.
Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5

Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: none
Drugs/Alcohol: none

I read this book because I challenged my students to step out of their comfort zone and read a genre they didn't read last year. 

I looked over my "read" shelf and I didn't read a single Sports book last year. SO.... to follow through I read this book by Mike Lupica. I know enough about the Sports genre to know that he is the one to read! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

To learn more about It's Monday! What Are You Reading? visit Mentor Texts

Ok, so it's Wednesday, but here's what I'm reading anyway.

My son is a huge fan of The 39 clues and we are always listening to one in the car. This is the second time we've listened to this one in particular but it's a good one!

Secret of the Night Ponies is another from the Crown list. I am frantically trying to finish these so that I can finish the test which will be given in February. 


Finished this one this week. It's another from the Crown list. 

AR level: 5.1
Grade appropriate: 3rd grade and up

Overall: 3/5-- This book was fine, but not outstanding in any way. It's about a girl who's father is instrumental in the beginning of the Revolutionary War. She and her siblings are left behind with the slaves to run the homestead.
Creativity: 2/5-- It feels very similar to many of the historical fiction written about this time.
Characters: 3/5-- I like Annie fine, but there's not much depth to any of the other characters.
Engrossing: 2/5-- I made myself finish this one so that I could write the questions for the Crown test.
Writing: 2/5-- Nothing special
Appeal to kids: 3/5-- Some kids are really into historical fiction and they will like this book. It will remind them of others that they have read and there's a lot of comfort in that.
Appropriate length to tell the story: It was short and so didn't require a lot of commitment.

Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence:mild, While the father is away a drunk man comes to the door threatening the family for the father's "treachery" against England. The brothers chase him away and one ends up shooting and killing him. It is not witnessed by Annie and so not described in detail, just talked about after the fact.
Drugs/Alcohol:mild, the only mention is the drunk man who threatens the family.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Mock Newbery Results

It's (un)official! FWC has predicted what will win the Newbery Award in 2014. 

 Here's a list of our predicted possibles.

Drumroll Please!!

Here are the results from our Newbery Book Club

Winner: Navigating Early

Honors: The Real Boy

Here's the breakdown of the votes
So proud of the students (and teachers) who participated in our book club these past few months. They are READING ROCKSTARS!

Monday, January 13, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

To learn more about It's Monday! What Are You Reading? visit Mentor Texts

I received a ARC (Advanced Released Copy) of this ebook to review through Netgalley. It will be out on January 14th.

AR level: 4.2
Grade appropriate: Middle school and up

I really did love this book. It was a lot of fun. But it is not really appropriate for my elementary kiddos. I think most middle school kids could handle the minimal objectionable content in this book and high school kids should have no problems.

Overall: 5/5-- Loved this book. It's fast paced and action packed.

Creativity: 4/5-- Teen spies seem to be a theme recently, but this one is one of the better ones.

Characters: 5/5-- I loved each of the characters in this book. I'd be friends with them if they were real.

Engrossing: 5/5-- It was one that I wanted to read all the time, but life does get in the way. I guess the fact that it took me a couple of weeks to finish is an indicator that it wasn't as engrossing as I thought it was.

Writing: 5/5-- Just good. The writing didn't get in the way of telling the story.

Appeal to kids: 5/5-- Kids are going to love it! I don't feel like it's quite appropriate for elementary (see comments below) but middle school and high school kids will be absolutely into it.

Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5

Language: none

Sexuality:  mild, there is some serious kissing and Maggie and her boyfriend sleep in the same bed while they are on the run.

Violence: mild
She is chased & her enemies shoot at her family & set her house on fire.

Drugs/Alcohol: mild, some of Maggie's friends drink Champagne

I loved The False Prince (the first in the Ascendance Trilogy) and have recommended it heavily. One of the draw-backs to this job is that I don't often get to read an entire series. I have to really want to and make the time. Otherwise I read one in the series so that I can speak intelligently about the book/author/series and then need to move on to other series. This is one I've been wanting to read since I finished The False Prince and finally made the time for. (I also found it on audio, so that helps.) 

I didn't want to like this book as much as I liked The False Prince. But truly it was wonderful. I listened to the audio version and finished it in 2 days. Couldn't turn it off.

AR level: 5.0
Grade appropriate: 4th grade and up

Overall: 5/5-- Loved it, despite my misgivings that it wouldn't be as good as the first in the series.

Creativity: 5/5-- There aren't many books in my library that are similar.

Characters: 5/5--I love Sage. I can't help it. He makes dumb choices but for all the right reasons. I love that Imogen got to play such a heroic role. I really like her and came to like Amarinda in the end too.

Engrossing: 5/5-- Finished in 2 days!

Writing: 5/5-- I never thought that it was over done or that the writing lacked in any way. It got the story across without being distracting.

Appeal to kids: 5/5-- Our middle grade boys and girls will love this book.

Appropriate length to tell the story: 5/5 This book is a longer one and the appearance may intimidate some of our more reluctant readers, but it's good enough that it's a quick read.
Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: mild, there is some sword/knife fighting. He does join pirates after all. No one gets killed and the fighting is not extreme.
Drugs/Alcohol: none

Monday, January 6, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

To learn more about It's Monday! What Are You Reading? visit Mentor Texts

I am going to try something new. I am going to have more structure to my reviews because when I am considering a book and find a review with everything laid out it is so helpful! 

Here goes! 


Cute little book. Not riveting and the 3rd person narrative style was a little awkward. But a fun, short read. 

AR level: 5.0
Grade appropriate: 3rd & up

Overall: 3/5-- fun, cute
Creativity: 4/5-- It felt like snapshots of the life of the Van Gogh Cafe which is unique in children's lit. 
Characters: 2/5-- I did not get attached to the characters, but they were likable. 
Engrossing: 2/5-- I did read it in one day, but that was more attributed it it's length.
Writing: 2/5-- the story telling style was a little awkward. 
Appeal to kids: 3/5-- honestly, the length will make it very appealing to reluctant readers. 
Appropriate length to tell the story: there was a definite story which can be tricky in a book so short. 

Language: none
Sexuality: none
Violence: none; one old man dies naturally & very peacefully in the cafe. Handled well, not disturbing. 
Drugs/Alcohol: none